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Family reunification in Serbia

Residence and work permits » Family reunification in Serbia

Every foreign citizen who meets the conditions in the Republic of Serbia has the right to family reunification. Family reunification must be specifically requested from the competent institutions, it is usually resolved quickly, but sometimes it can be much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

Every foreigner who lives and works in Serbia can independently submit a request for family reunification, for which it is necessary to collect certain documentation and forms, fill in and attach everything requested by the competent institutions. The specificity of the conditions, additional documentation and understanding of the legal procedure for family reunification, can make this process very complex, take a lot of time and cause stress and frustration.

Spajanje porodice za strance u Srbiji - Boravak za strance u Srbiji

The FLASH Konsalting agency provides foreigners with services that will facilitate the entire process, save time and money, and enable foreign citizens living in Serbia and their families abroad to use the right to family reunification that they have by law. Our services for initiating and monitoring the family reunification process until its completion include checking the grounds and conditions under which family reunification is requested, collecting documentation, filling out all forms and directing the client to certain institutions at certain steps in the process.

You can find out what services we can offer for family reunification by calling or sending a message using the information on the contact page.

Conditions for family reunification for foreigners in Serbia

Family reunification, i.e. temporary stay of family members based on family reunification, can be approved in three cases:

  • A foreigner who is a member of the immediate family of a citizen of the Republic of Serbia
  • A foreigner who is a member of the immediate family of a foreigner with approved temporary residence or permanent residence in Serbia
  • A foreigner who is a member of the immediate family of a person who has been granted asylum in the Republic of Serbia

Close family includes spouses, common-law partners, their children, whether born in or out of wedlock, as well as adopted children up to the age of 18 who are not currently married.

The circle of persons who can be considered as immediate family can be expanded if these persons depend on family care in the country of origin or if they cannot meet their needs due to a health condition in which they are dependent on the applicant for family reunification.

The general conditions for approval of temporary residence based on family reunification include submitting personal documents and reporting an address. In order for the request for family reunification to be approved, there must be proof of the existence of means to support dependents during the stay and proof of health insurance. Proof of payment of the administrative fee for submitting the application is also required.